Facial Acupuncture and Body Acupuncture are a Natural Treatment for many health conditions. Whether it be skin issues such as psoriasis, acne, eczema, digestive issues such as Colitis, IBS or Crohn's or Infertility, Acupuncture aims to bring the body back to a wellness state of optimal health.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine sterile needles into specific sites (acupoints) located along the meridians. Stimulating these acupoints the energy blockages are cleared and the normal flow of Qi can be promoted so to relieve pain and discomfort.
Acupuncture is effective for acute pain
Acupuncture For Chronic Pain –
Individual patient data meta-analysis of 17,922 patients treated with acupuncture for chronic pain found:
• Acupuncture is effective for chronic pain
Vickers AJ, Cronin AM, Maschino AC, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Foster NE, et al. Acupuncture for chronic pain: individual patient data meta-analysis. Archives of internal medicine. 2012;172(19):1444-53.
US VA Evidence Map of Acupuncture (2014) found:
• Acupuncture demonstrates“Evidence of positive effect” for chronic pain
Hempel S, Taylor SL, Solloway MR, Miake-Lye IM, Beroes JM, Shanman R, et al. VA Evidence-based Synthesis Program Reports. Evidence Map of Acupuncture. Washington (DC): Department of Veterans Affairs; 2014
Acupuncture is effective for acute pain
Acute Pain Management: Scientific Evidence (Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and Faculty of Pain Medicine) found NHMRC Level I evidence for acupuncture for:
• Labour pain
• Oocyte retrieval pain (Egg collection during IVF)
• Primary dysmenorrhoea
• Tension-type headaches
• Migraine
• Postoperative pain
• Back pain
• Acute burns pain
Schug SA, Palmer GM, Scott DA, Halliwell R, Trinca J. Acute pain management: scientific evidence, fourth edition, 2015. The Medical journal of Australia. 2016;204(8):315-7.
Patients have the choice of the standard Acupuncture process and the Laser Acupuncture process. The difference being that Laser Acupuncture is a pain-free and non-invasive method, which can be administered in sensitive patients such as children, the elderly, those with skin problems of whom can’t withstand any discomfort, and anyone who is apprehensive in receiving acupuncture.
Acupuncture helps by strengthening and enhancing normal body functions. The immune system is regulated and your general well being is promoted. Also these meridians connect with the internal aspect of the body so when these acupoints are stimulated effectively our organs are being strengthened and good health is promoted.
Acupuncture is not a placebo
Acupuncture has lasting effects on pain
Acupuncture is effective for chronic and acute pain
Acupuncture is a safe* treatment for various types of pain
Acupuncture is a cost-effective treatment for various types of pain
Acupuncture is often superior to usual care in treating both acute and chronic pain
This varies with each individual. Generally, acupuncture will last 2 – 3 days, and the relief is lengthened with each treatment. After 1 course of treatment (6-10), individual assessment indicates whether there’s a need for further treatment.
You also have the choice of cupping; the cupping method is used in combination with Acupuncture. Cups are applied to soft tissue areas such as back, shoulders, and thighs. It aims to relieve muscular tension, assist in promoting blood circulation and eliminate pathogens that enter the body and cause illness. Used in the treatment of colds/ chest problems, sporting injuries, musculoskeletal disorders etc.