Cosmetic Acupuncture is a great way to address the signs of ageing. An100% natural and effective treatment that works to increase collagen and elastin production to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improves the texture and tone of the skin, lifts sagging jowls and upper eye lids and reduce facial puffiness and pigmentation.
As a result of her own personal experience with severe Psoriasis, Dr Irene Prantalos (TCM) has a special interest in the holistic treatment of Psoriasis. Visit Irene for an in-person consultation or discover her range of Topical Relief products, books and recipes to manage your psoriasis once and for all.
Skin diseases such as acne, psoriasis and eczema are extremely common affecting thousands of Australians every year. Truly targeting and managing such skin conditions requires the a holistic approach that addresses various areas of health that the individual presents with.