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Get The Most Out Of Summer.

As Melbournians, surprisingly we have enjoyed many warm to hot days as we are approaching the middle of Summer. Along with the warmer weather, a change in diet and lifestyle habits usually happens this time of year.

Late nights, more social events which leads to a diet rich in BBQ meats, salads, cold drinks, alcohol, sweets and perhaps an overall increased amount of food.

For some with a robust constitution, this is perfectly fine, however for many, signs that the “Summer Time” diet and lifestyle is having an impact on your health starts to sneak in.

So What Are The Signs?

  • Digestive issues: diarrhoea, bloating, flatulence
  • Lethargy
  • Emotional mood swings: depression, anxiety, irritability
  • Body aches and pains
  • Menstrual irregularities in women
  • Mental fogginess and loss of motivation
  • Pre-existing health issues flare up
  • and so on…….
So What Can You Do?
  • Incorporate 2-3 litres of filtered water per day. If you are experiencing stool changes add some liquid chlorophyll into your water. For bloating or indigestion add a squeeze of lemon in your water before breakfast every morning.
  • Take some probiotics. Often this type of diet can increase the growth of bad bacteria in your gut which gives rise to many symptoms mentioned above.
  • Mix up your raw salads with cooked vegetables. Everything should be enjoyed in moderation.
  • Nurture your liver with some dandelion tea and cleavers tea. This will assist your liver to detox any alcohol consumption and help improve mental clarity.
  • Exercise daily. Even if it is just for 20 minutes as this will help promote circulation in the body and encourage better health.
  • Meditate daily. This should be enjoyed every day throughout the year. Calming the mind and connecting to the heart will always encourage optimal wellbeing.
  • Most importantly eat season food. Support your local farmer and visit your farmer’s Markets on the weekends. It is the best way to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables and if you add some organic fresh produce in the mix, you will be feeding your body all the summer nutrients in needs.
These are some very easy types you can start doing today. I would love to hear your “Summer Time” tips, so feel free to share them below. Irene