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Have you changed your diet now that the colder weather has started?

The colder weather has certainly started to settle in and yet it seems all the summer fruits are still around. This is positively confusing and quite irritating to your general wellbeing.

First of all, I’d like to share what the impact is on your health when eating foods that are grown in the opposite season to where you live and secondly, will identify which foods are best consumed now and why.

You may not be aware, but the nature of our food is opposite to our environment. For instance, watermelon is a cold fruit and so is only grown in warmer climates and so should only be enjoyed in Summer. It is a very refreshing fruit and actually cools your body down while you are eating it. Imagine eating watermelon in winter. Its cold outside and now you have made your body feel cold, even though your natural inclination is to eat and drink something warm. So apart from not feeding your body what it needs, cold/raw food will actually upset your digestive system which leads to more food intolerances and digestive issues.

So how would you know what is in season?

The easiest way is shopping in farmer’s markets. These are all local growers and will only have seasonal fruits and vegetables for you to purchase. The other way is shopping at your local fruiterer as they will have signs above each fresh produce that indicate the place of origin. Typically its either Australia or the US. In other countries I’m sure they would import fresh produce from nearby countries. What you need to know is what season are they in and is it the same season as your own.

So what can we do to ease into winter?


It’s the time of year to feed your body as well as your soul. Winter is commonly a time many feel their emotions become sad, negative and stuck. So with the colder weather many of us will hibernate and minimise socialising which can have a negative impact on our mind and body. Be sure to keep your social circles active during this time, perhaps choosing more indoor activities such as the movies, dinner parties and good old fashion chats around a warm fire.

Make time for Exercise:

Exercise regularly as the colder months can often result in an exacerbation of joint aches and pains. By keeping up a regular exercise regimen you are promoting blood circulation and consistent endorphin release to keep you positive and healthy.

Go to bed early:

Sleeping early will promote the healing process of your skin and body. Getting to sleep early means you can minimise exposure to heating (which dries your skin), while simultaneously promoting the healing process.

Get Cooking:

Stews are a great idea as they fill you up and warm you all over, while providing intense nutritional content.

As I mentioned earlier, the food typically many of us crave in the colder months are warm foods such as stews, soups and baked foods. This is the reason I absolutely love winter; as these foods can easily be prepared in bulk and frozen for those times you haven’t had time to prepare dinner.

And add these foods to your winter diet:

  • Vegetables: asparagus, alfalfa, cabbage, carrots, celery, endives, lettuce, parsnips, spinach, turnips, watercress
  • Fruits: apples and pears
  • Meats: lamb, chicken, turkey
  • Fish: Atlantic mackerel, bluefish, monkfish, Pacific salmon, red snapper

Many including myself may feel disappointed with the colder weather but it truly is a time to enjoy and our body needs this time to rest and rejuvenate.

Personally, enjoying a nice warm cup of tea after dinner is something I do every night with many members of my extended family opting for instead of a beer or coffee.

To extend my family ritual to your family, we would like you to enjoy 15% off all our Organic Herbal Teas this winter. Yep you heard right, from June – August you can enjoy 15% off by adding the coupon code winterbrews upon checking out.

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Yours in Great Health,
