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Feel Great In Your Skin - Guided Meditation for Psoriasis CD

Guided meditation for psoriasis is an essential tool to help in the natural treatment of psoriasis. Stress is THE number 1 trigger for psoriasis, both for the initial onset of the disease and subsequent flare ups. Stress is something that is very difficult to avoid in day-to-day life but that doesn’t mean you need to suffer from the consequences of it either.

When listening to the Feel Great in Your Skin meditation CD you will be guided to a calm state of mind and each muscle in your body relaxes while you are taken on the path of positive visualisation and meditation. The results lead to a drop in adrenaline and an increase in anti-inflammatory chemicals flooding the body to encourage the skin’s natural ability to heal.

With the combination of shame and embarrassment psoriasis sufferers may feel and the negative impact stress has on psoriasis, this CD has been specifically developed to promote positive thinking and relaxation.

Key Benefits:

  • Calm mind.
  • More relaxed bod.
  • Reduction in stress and anxiety.
  • Positive visualisation of healthier skin.

Pair it with:

To help with soothing psoriatic lesions, try our Salubrious Skin Balm which is especially useful for plaque psoriasis and rashes found on the hands and feet.

Enjoy a cup of our Luminosi-Tea before or after meditation to reduce leaky gut syndrome (Gut Health) and inflammation in the body.

The CD has been designed to compliment the Feel Great In Your Skin book.

  • - Track One Guided Relaxation to ease the stress in the body

    - Track Two Guided Meditation and Positive Visualisation achieved through the tranquil surrounds of the beach

    - Track Three Guided Meditation and Positive Visualisation set in the beautiful sounds of a rainforest