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Is Autumn Making Your Psoriasis More Dry?

Autumn is when the warmth of summer fades into the cooler months of winter. With this transition in mind it’s important to eat more root vegetables. The reason for this is that the movement of energy in autumn is downwards and, as we know, root vegetables gain their energy from the ground.

It is a time to store energy and eat heartier foods in preparation for winter. In addition to changing the diet to suit the change in season, you should also consider changing your sleeping patterns.

It is believed that going to sleep early allows you to escape the cold nights and getting up early allows you to take in the crisp morning air. Together these changes in diet and lifestyle encourage more energy and a healthier spirit.

Below are some foods to add to your autumn diet:

Vegetables: beetroot, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, collard greens, Italian parsley, fennel, artichokes, kale, parsnips, pumpkin, turnips, winter squash.

Fruits: apples, pears Meats:Turkey Fish: Atlantic mackerel, bluefish, monkfish, Pacific salmon, red snapper  

Autumn Handy Hints

  1. Carry around a jumper/jacket/scarf – even if it feels warm because, during autumn, it is cold in the shade and warm in the sun. This is typically the season where we dress like it’s summer, but it gets cool very quickly. You need to protect yourself from the drastic changes in temperature because catching a cold will exacerbate your psoriasis.
  1. Eat soup – this is the time of year to begin thinking about making more nourishing and wholesome foods such as soups. Soups usually contain meats, vegetables and carbohydrates. They are a great meal in one.
  1. Keep hydrated – in Chinese Medicine, autumn is considered to be the time of dryness. The moisture of a humid summer gives way to autumn dryness. It is important to remember this and drink tea or water at room temperature to help keep the body hydrated.
  1. Get out and enjoy the weather changing from summer to autumn. Walking barefoot in nature helps increase your vitality and rejuvenate your energy. You’ll soothe your mind and clear any negative thoughts.