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Exposed my Psoriasis - Why did I put myself out there?

It's almost been a year since i launched my book, Feel Great in Your Skin and our cookbook, Healing Psoriasis with Mediterranean Cooking.

The feedback has been interesting; although many psoriasis sufferers are interested to know how i managed to resolve my psoriasis, many people looked at the photos of my skin and would comment, "wow that's really severe".

At the time of deciding to add this photo i had a mixed bag of emotions; i was feeling nervous that suddenly my secret was out, something i spent my entire life trying to hide from the world.

While feeling compelled to share this with others that are also struggling with psoriasis and giving them hope that you can in fact heal this disease and live the life you want to live.

This brings me to why i decided to share my experience with the world. Deep down i knew others must be suffering as i was, although i felt lonely and tried to isolate myself as much as possible i knew that it mustn't only be me with this disease.

The most confronting moment was when i was relaxing with my husband watching the footy show and then there was a news break that highlighted today's news. There i was, well my legs pictured on TV. Yes the picture i had given them to include in my story that aired earlier that day. I was in shock and mumbled to my husband, "oh my what i have i done, the entire country has just seen my legs".

My husband's response was pretty straight forward, "Didn't you think of this earlier?" Well perhaps not!

Then i started reading posts on Facebook where people were interested to know what i had done to get over this disease. People wanted to know more and seemed eager to find the answers, as i had felt many years ago.

My focus then changed the reason why i decided to write these books in the first place; give people the answers i was looking for and struggled to find, give people hope that life doesn't need to be challenged by this diseases and give people the awareness that they aren't alone and suffering isn't easier when you are alone.

Shortly after i had a father call me to tell me his daughter read my book, Feel Great in Your Skin and implemented all the dietary changes i recommended and had almost cleared her psoriasis completely. As i heard the father express his gratitude that i had shared my story to help others, it made me realise that in this world our hardships are here to make us stronger and when we find the answers we must share this with others to help them through their pain no matter how exposed we might feel because the truth is no lives a perfect life and no lives a life with obstacles.

If you are interested in more info on psoriasis and the products I developed to treat the disease including some recipes that won't exacerbate your skin visit our Eczema and Psoriasis Relief collection.