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Podcast 57: Psoriasis Unmasked 4 - What are my treatment options in the management of psoriasis?

Hello and Welcome to Psoriasis Unmasked: Part 4 What are my treatment options in the management of psoriasis of a 5-Part Series to help you target and manage psoriasis to alleviate the intensity of your psoriatic disease.

Treatment seems to be the first thing we look for but I intentionally put it as the 4th thing we look at. The reason for this is to help empower you with information about how you can make important choices that will have an immediate effect on the skin; positive and negative.

Yes, treatment is essential but I guarantee that most treatments won't work if you are eating inflammatory food and are super stressed. So if you can get these previous steps sorted then the benefit of the treatment will be seen sooner rather than later. If you are a long-time sufferer of psoriasis-like me, I’m sure you have tried almost everything that is known to mankind for psoriasis. But I’m here to tell you that if you don’t have your diet right and managing your stress, then you will simply be on the roller coaster ride of flare-ups and remission.

So watch this podcast episode and find out all the different treatments you have available and be sure to give it a proper go.


Watch Episode 57.